Newham CPD: Training Teachers to use Money Wise Lessons with Newham Council


Newham Council has been a huge supporter of our work since we began our activities in the United Kingdom in 2021. From collaborating with us on Money Wise Challenges to helping us deploy our Lessons in the Borough, Newham’s support has been crucial for us. This past week has been no different, as Newham Council helped us host our innovative CPD programme for Newham teachers.


Sabrina Au, Partnerships Lead, Supporting Teachers at Newham Money Wise CPD

Sabrina Au, Partnerships Lead, Supporting Teachers at Newham Money Wise CPD.


We are honoured to have co-created our CPD workshop in partnership with the Newham PSHE Network, leaders in PSHE provision across London. The CPD session, which equipped 22 teachers with the skills needed run our Money Wise Lessons curriculum in their classrooms, also enabled them to meet their OFSTED Personal Development outcome and boost their PSHE provision at the same time.

The session was co-delivered between Sabrina Au, Dot Dot Fire’s Partnerships Lead, and Marie Hardy, PSHE Lead at the Newham PSHE Partnership. Together, they ensured that teachers were supported every step of the way and left with the confidence to run pilot sessions of Money Wise Lessons in their schools.


The teachers attending the workshop were highly enthusiastic about the programme. Indeed, one teacher from Calverston Primary said:


“As a leader, I have learned a lot… Especially about looking at unit prices and not impulse buying, so I know that it will be amazing for others in school!”


This is one of the first of many CPD sessions we plan to run in collaboration with Newham Council. If you missed this one but would still like to participate, click on the link below to take a look at our upcoming sessions and sign up.


Get information on the next CPD session